The Anatomy of Tenderness podcast by Leonie and Sophie Caldecott

The Anatomy of Tenderness Podcast

The Anatomy of Tenderness is a podcast exploring what it means to choose tenderness in a broken world.

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Conversations to help us navigate the world with passion & compassion

We believe that tenderness is a powerful force for good; there’s courage in choosing to keep our hearts open and engaged.

In this podcast, we’ll be exploring what it means to live in community with each other, to be in relationship with people we disagree with—even people we dislike or think may be dangerous.

We’ll explore how to become better listeners, how to ask better questions of ourselves and each other, and what role qualities like curiosity, hope, and humility have in our lives, relationships, and culture. We want to learn to navigate conflict in a way that acknowledges difference and shared humanity.

What could a world transformed by tenderness look like?

We’d love for you to join the conversation.